Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lunar Eclipse with Cardinal Grand Cross

Wow, yesterday was the lunar eclipse! The energy was intense and continues to be intense. The reason behind this is mainly due to the influence of two planets - Uranus and Pluto.

Uranus and Pluto are approximately 90 degrees apart, or squaring each other. This same configuration happened over 40 years ago in the mid '60s. Think back to the social unrest of those days. Young people were rising up against the powers that be. There were riots in the streets. There were riots in the streets against the G20 last night in Ontario.

Pluto was in Virgo in the 1960s; Pluto is in Capricorn now. Capricorn is socially aware and represents values and reputations. Uranus is in Aries. Aries is exciting, bold, feisty, seeks to discover through experience. Are we to seek out and transform ourselves through experiments? Will technology solve our energy crisis? I predict each community will become independent suppliers of their own energy needs.