Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day weekend

What did you do over the three day weekend?  I  spent money, did a lot of reading and had acupuncture.

I went shopping for some clothes.  I found a good deal on some pants and sweaters - winter is coming.  I actually tried on a winter coat, but didn't buy...not yet.

I bought a book online.  It didn't happen on purpose.  I was browsing an astrology site ( and the site owner was talking about the book "Methland."  She was describing the horrors in the book and how she couldn't put it down.  I won't go into it here, but it was happening in a small town in Iowa.

I clicked the link for the book, and over to Amazon I went.  I have an account set up there, and oops, I hit the one click to order button.  I was considering buying it anyway, since it was pulling me in like a "car wreck you're passing and you can't help but look" hooks.  Ya know what I mean?

I chalked up that oops to Mercury retrograde.  It will pass soon after Mercury goes direct on Sept. 12th.

I had acupuncture on Monday morning.  Dr. Zhou had a very busy clinic on Labor Day.  It was amazing - I usually never wait long, but on a holiday this appointment took an hour and a half.  It usually lasts 45 minutes.  There were people waiting in the lobby when I came out.  There's usually no one waiting.  He is one busy guy!

Time to put away the blog, the laptop and wind down.  Back to work in the morning...