Saturday, August 21, 2010

Summer is ending...

Summer is coming to an end.  I can tell by the signs:  the pool has been quiet and football is on TV again. 

Football season hasn’t officially started yet, but the pre-season games started last week.  So, the games have begun.  Yes, Summer is almost over.

The next thing you know, the temperatures will go down rapidly.  That means snuggling into the clothes that hug you and make you feel warm. 

I have visions of the fireplace going in my mind already.

Back to school shopping is in full swing!  Just ask my delighted husband.  He has run into all the happy mothers and their wonderful offspring at the stores.

James misses his days of teaching.  From time to time he reminisces, a brief smile comes over his face and he tells me of another fond memory.  Oh yes, those were the days...

I’m not usually fond of the end of Summer.  This year I’m anxious for October to get here.  I get to meet up with my peeps in Chicago!  Oh, and the weekend before that in Dallas for Laura & Bryan’s wedding!

For now, we will deal with Mercury retrograde for the next three weeks.